Cater to Cats | Northeast Animal Hospital | St. Petersburg Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer

Cater to Cats

Video: "We Cater to Cats!" (0:44)—Join “Princess Leia” as we share what’s included in our Cater to Cats accommodation.

How do you help create a stress-free visit to the vet?

No one likes going to the doctor for a checkup, but cats probably top the list of those who are the hardest to get to the doctor. Whether by hiding, screaming, scratching, or biting, cats will let you know they do not want to go to the vet. However, the hassle of corralling them into a carrier (if you can even find them!) and enduring the caterwauling-filled car ride is enough to make us put off those vet visits—indefinitely!

Is it any wonder that a recent survey showed that half the cat population hasn’t been to the vet in more than a year? Add to that the fact that cats are masters at hiding their illnesses as a survival instinct, and you get felines who are at risk of being diagnosed with serious health problems long after preventive measures could have started.

That’s why we started our “Cater to Cats” accommodation at Northeast Animal Hospital, as part of our Calm Care advantage. With a separate entrance and reception area, your kitty will feel much more at ease coming to visit the vet, and that means healthier happier cats.

  • Devoted doctors and nurses with “cat calming” experience
  • Separate “no dogs allowed” front entrance
  • Separate “no dogs allowed” reception area
  • Primary cat exam room

While we realize bringing your cat to the vet may never be a walk-up-the-scratch post, it’s our hope that Cater to Cats will help make your job easier.

Call us today to schedule your cat's next visit!
Northeast (727) 822-8501  |  Downtown (727) 755-7387

Cat vet St. Petersburg

Northeast Animal Hospital